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8 Activity Ideas for Your Own Kitty Olympic Games

The national anthems have been played, the speeches have been made, and the legendary flame has been lit. Now, may we have a round of applause please for the parade of this year’s athletes. That’s right, it’s the 2024 Cat Olympics! 

With the Paris Olympic Games stirring excitement around the globe this summer, we thought what better opportunity to introduce a playful and competitive spirit into our homes than with our very own Kitty Olympics? So, that’s exactly what we’ve done! 

Whether you’re a seasoned cat parent or are new to the feline-loving community, we’ve put together a selection of cat games and activities we can all enjoy together. From obstacle courses to chases, our sports for cats pack plenty of physical benefits, mental enrichment, and bonding opportunities for our cats. 

What’s left to say? Let the Cat Olympics begin!

1. Hide and Seek

For the first of our cat activities, try placing treats in various hiding spots around a room or inside a box. Next, it’s a simple case of seeing how quickly your cat can find them! This game taps into a cat’s natural hunting instincts, making it a fantastic cat enrichment idea that sharpens their feline senses.

Cat hiding in a cardboard box.

2. Peek-a-boo

For this one, create a playful setup with a cardboard box and cut some small holes into the sides. Cats being cats, they’ll naturally want to climb inside. Then, wiggle a toy – like a fishing rod toy – near the holes and watch your cat pop out to capture it. Just be sure not to use your fingers or feet to encourage your cat as this might otherwise develop some unwanted behaviours.

3. Obstacle Course

This game for cats involves setting up a dynamic obstacle course for our felines to clamber over. While you could buy some specially designed tunnels or hoops, it’s just as easy to put together a few DIY ideas at home. Cushions, boxes, and chairs can all be used as objects that your cat has to jump over, crawl under, or weave through. 

Guide your cat through the course with a lure, such as our trusty fishing rod toy, to help them understand the course. This not only boosts their physical activity but can boost their problem-solving skills for an added touch of mental enrichment.

Bengal cat giving a high five to their human.

4. Learning Tricks

Teach your cat a simple trick like a ‘high five’. This can be a fun party trick to show off to friends and family, and the act of learning can also deepen the bond between you and your cat. It just goes to show, these cat activities can be both entertaining and rewarding!

5. Food Puzzle

Introduce a new puzzle feeder that challenges your cat to retrieve treats in new, intriguing ways. For example, DIY ideas you can put together at home could be something as simple as putting dry kibble in an empty egg carton or inside some cardboard tubes. This is great for stimulating a cat’s brain, making it a perfect cat enrichment tool to keep their mind sharp and engaged.

Cat using a puzzle feeder.

6. Fetch

Who said fetch was only for dogs? Contrary to popular belief, many cats enjoy fetch just as much as dogs do!

The trickiest part is finding the right ball or object that your cat will want to pounce on. Use a light ball or a crumpled ball of paper. Some balls are available that make a noise as they move, either from a bell or something similar that’s hidden inside. Just make sure this is something your cat enjoys rather than something they are unsure about. This is meant to be a fun game for cats, after all.

You may need to do some training to encourage your cat to bring the ball back to you, but this is all part of the bonding experience. Call your cat’s name once they’ve caught the ball and offer their favourite treat when they return.

7. Ping Pong

Keep a ping pong ball moving on a smooth surface and see how long your cat can keep it in motion. This cat activity is great not only for amusing our cats but also enhances their coordination and hunting skills.

Kitten biting a fishing rod toy.

8. Fishing Rod Chase

Ah yes, back to our old favourite, the fishing rod toy! This sport for our Cat Olympics is nice and straightforward. Simply set up a distance challenge where your cat chases a fishing rod toy across a room or down a hallway. This game is excellent for physical exercise and helps improve a cat’s speed and dexterity. Try timing your cat on each run and see if they can increase their speed over time.

The Cat Olympics Awards Ceremony

As the Cat Olympics draw to a close, why not finish up with a memorable awards ceremony to celebrate your cat’s athletic prowess and achievements? Capture the moment with a few photos of the pair of you bonding together!

Remember, by incorporating these cat games into your routine, you’re not only enriching your cat’s life but also creating valuable bonding moments together. Don’t hesitate to try out a few different cat games to keep you both active, engaged, and happy!

Have you been inspired to set up your own Kitty Olympics? Don’t hesitate to get in touch and share any photos from the grand event! We love hearing from our fellow cat-lovers and are always looking for further inspiration to keep our cats entertained. You can also stay informed with all the latest updates from FELIWAY by signing up to our newsletter.

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